Shaun's Killer tunes

Friday, September 19, 2008

Music, fishin and only 55 days left!!!!

Well it's been a while i'd say.....Life is great though!! I just got back from the Rocket Summer and all i can say is wow and a half!!!! Bryce avary is just amazing and i have such a good feeling after that show. Not just a high from going to a show, but a truly positive outlook on life. There aren't very many bands that make me feel that way but those that do ohhhh i love them. And Sherwood being one of them is coming next month!!!!! So yeah music rules and is such a blessing in my life.

School is crazy as ever but I still have been able to fit some fishing in here and there. I got out on the Blacksmith Fork this week and it was great, many a cutthroat and brown were caught. I love going to school here in Logan there is so much to do in the out of doors....segue to the expedition we made to Naomi Peak a couple weeks ago.....

This is me on the trail, a truly pensive pose.

Here's the view from the top looking north...

Needless to say, this was a killer hike and hopefully will take place again soon.

Oh and last but not starts in 55 days and change!!! I can't wait to get back in the Spectrum and lose my voice and go crazy. Pretty much the best thing about being here in logan. Well it's late and i'm out of stuff to say, so this is the end, yea verily it is the end