Shaun's Killer tunes

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Only 93 days left!!!!

Yep, you guessed it, the title is for the countdown to the return of the most glorious sport of all in the most glorious arena of all....THE SPECTRUM!!!!! I am indeed beyond words with excitement to return there and watch my Aggies...OH it will be glorious. We will miss Jaycee but I think as a team we will play better. I'm excited to see the newcomers and the continued development of Pooh, Newbold, and Tai.

The med school train rolls on and applications remain to be received and subsequently filled. I should be hearing about interviews hopefully in the next little bit. Crazy stuff I tell ya. It is a way exciting time of life though for me, and I'm really looking forward to finding out where I'll be going for med school.

I've been watching the Olympics quite a lot and I don't recall ever being into them as much as I am this year. I mean I stayed up till like 1:30 just to watch volleyball!!! The USA is doing great and I'm proud to be an American as always. I hope the basketball team can keep ripping it up cuz they should. I mean, we invented the game after all....sorry for the pompous attitude but I call it like I see it.

So there ya have it, the last little bit of life for me. Things are pretty much awesome and I'm pumped for cold weather, skiing, college football, and the greatest basketball arena in the world!!!!

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